Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tick Tock

Found a tick on my dog at 3:00 am last night!

Was in total shock, didn't know what to do about it ... ended up burning it (the tick, not the dog) in a tissue in an ashtray and almost setting fire to the kitchen ...

Dog is unscathed ...

Owner is relieved ...

Tick was unavailable for comment.


Blogger SavtaDotty said...

You're supposed to remove the tick with tweezers. I don't know why, but I'm sure someone out there does.

20 August, 2006 06:12  
Blogger nominally challenged said...

Yeah, I know - I read about that after the fact. The reason is that you're not supposed to touch the tick with your hands. I removed it with toilet paper (I didn't want to touch it with my bare hands, even without knowing that you shouldn't), and then set fire to it in an ashtray. Talk about hysteria ...

20 August, 2006 06:20  
Blogger nominally challenged said...

John, yeah, I read about that after the fact too, but it's just as well I didn't know that before, because the highest content alcohol I have is Absolut vodka, and quite frankly, though it has been put to some interesting uses in the past (such as removing drag make-up), it's way too good to be wasting on a tick.

Yael, LOL - finally someone who laughed :)

21 August, 2006 03:29  
Blogger nominally challenged said...

John - you saw a school nurse remove a tick from a kindergarten child? What sort of kindergarten was this??

Noorster - true true, but heck. I was in kindergarten once - I know what he means. You really do have be brave there.

Yohay - welcome to my blog. In general, the way to almost set fire to a kitchen without setting fire to a dog is to ensure that said dog is far removed from kitchen at time of lighting fire. In this particular instance, I practised the age-old technique of 'remove the tick from the dog' before attempting to immolate the tick.

As an amusing aside, I should note that at the appropriate time, the tick indeed went 'woof'!

24 August, 2006 07:58  

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